Hall 20 - A28
From the collaboration between MECSPE and FONDAZIONE ITS A. CUCCOVILLO is born Training Square 4.0, a space where ITS and Partner companies talk about their collaboration and the opportunities for the Territory. The purpose of this area is to make more evident the importance of the link between Company and Education, through the active contribution of the students, the real protagonists.
Today, it is crucial for companies to be able to take advantage from resources already equipped with high innovative technical skills, such as ITS students.
The Square consists of a Speech Area, with a rich calendar of speeches, and a Demonstration Area where company partners will present their solutions and products, again through the involvement of students who have had the opportunity to use them.
In collaboration with:
Square Partners

Roberto Vingiani, Technical Director Fondazione Its “A. Cuccovillo” – Bari – Its Meccanica-Mechatronics-Home System

“The ITS of the Mechanics System today represent a valid channel both to train young people on issues related to Industry 4.0 and to help companies find figures with certain professional characteristics that are difficult to find on the market,” – comments Roberto Vingiani, Technical Director of the ITS A. Cuccovillo Foundation in Bari – “But to develop school programs in line with the needs of the world of work, a close and constant relationship with companies becomes essential.
Today, our ITS reaches an average of 92 percent employment 12 months after graduation, but there is one aspect that we think is even more important, which is that of these as many as 94 percent decide to stay in Puglia. This figure shows that there are great job opportunities in the Puglia region thanks to the strong mechatronic fabric of our companies. In this context MECSPE, thanks also to the Piazza della Formazione 4.0, is the ideal place to enhance the virtuous system of ITSs by recounting successful experiences with the involvement of partner companies and students. Once again this year, in fact, the initiative will involve the students in an active way to also encourage the improvement of their soft skills.”