Nuovo Padiglione - I26
For the second time, MECSPE returns to Bari with the aim of acting as a trait d’union among manufacturing sector operators active in Southern Italy.
Also on this occasion, as already for MECSPE held in Bologna last March, TMP actively participates with some associates in the TMP Square, in order to consolidate the relationship between manufacturing realities in the plastics sector, in a context that sees the presence of important companies not only in the automotive field, but also in the railway, robotics and aerospace. The hope is that an increasingly close and broad collaboration between companies from northern, central and southern Italy will be realized to maintain the competitiveness of our country.
Molding and mold making companies such as Arte Plast, compound manufacturers and distributors such as Pick up and Dolder Massara, extruder manufacturers such as F.lli Maris, and manufacturers of colored materbatches, additives such as Esseti Plast GD and Brescia Master and GreenChemicals as a specializing company in flame retardant and antioxidant formulations will participate in the Square.
In cooperation with:
TMP square partners

Media Partner

The exhibitors' opinions
Alan Catturini – TMP
Riccardo Galeazzi – RADICI NOVACIPS