Nuovo Padiglione - M08
With over 70 years of presence in representing craft and SME businesses in the territory, CNA National Confederation of Craftsmen has more than 622,000 members who employ more than 1.2 million people. CNA represents the largest representative association distributed throughout the territory. In fact, the enormous spread of handicrafts, small businesses-both in large cities and small towns-is matched by a widespread presence: CNA is present in all Italian provinces with 18 regional CNAs and 96 territorial CNAs with about 7,500 active employees in the more than 1,100 offices: including regional, territorial and local.
CNA, through its own vision of economy, development and society, represents and protects the interests of micro, small and medium enterprises operating in the sectors of manufacturing, construction, services, transportation, trade and tourism of small and medium industries and in general of the business world and its associated forms, with particular reference to the sector of crafts, artisans, self-employment of professionals in its various expressions, women entrepreneurs and retirees.