Special initiatives, Processing Islands, Squares of Excellence dedicated to 4.0 Training and entire core exhibition on People at the centre of the “Intelligent Workshop”
The new reference trade fair event for the manufacturing industry and intelligent factories in central and southern Italy will feature a special area where machinery and mankind will collaborate in the production process, enabled by a continuous information exchange flow
How many young people leave the south of Italy in search of employment? Data from the 2019 Svimez Report on “The economy and society of the Mezzogiorno” highlight how between 2002 and 2017 over 2 million people migrated from the south of Italy and the Italian islands, of which 66,557 from younger generations (50.4% young people, 33% of which graduates). An investigation by Excelsior Unioncamere and ANPAL responds to this overview by indeed confirming a drop in the number of employment opportunities during the first few months of 2019 compared to the same period in 2018, while also highlighting how some industrial sectors, like mechatronics and manufacturing, are are clearly bucking this trend. Businessmen are having a tough time filling job vacancies due to a lack of specialisation in fundamental fields for local growth and competitiveness. Therefore, a single key word for bridging the gap between demand and employment opportunities has emerged from all the rest: training. There will be more on this and on opportunities companies can offer today, thanks to the increasingly massive introduction of new technologies, at MECSPE Bari, the first ever edition organised by Senaf for young people and manufacturing companies based in central and southern Italy and the Mediterranean basin, from 28th to 30th November, at the Nuova Fiera del Levante exhibition centre.
An event which transcends traditional geographic borders, providing all the experience built by Senaf over the last 18 MECSPE events at Fiere di Parma. As of this year, it aims to become the reference point for a new area of the country, with reference to the development of innovation and 4.0 topics, supported by a network of qualified partners and sponsors including the Municipality of Bari, the Bari Chamber of Commerce, Confindustria Bari-Bat and the Intelligent Factory Cluster.
“We are proud to be able to support young people and SMEs in central and southern Italy, in the process for the training and digitalisation of competencies through this new event, MECSPE Bari – declares Emilio Bianchi, Director of Senaf – For us, the Mezzogiorno is an area with excellent potential for production, which is yet to fully leverage new digital technologies. This means that more opportunities for discussion are required, as a fly-wheel for an entire land, especially with reference to the transfer of knowledge and professional training. MECSPE has been interpreting emerging trends of the 4.0 world for years now and with this new edition aims to boost not just the economic development process, but above all investments in people, for the creation of necessary skills. Because investing in people means making a real investment in the area and laying the foundations for new growth opportunities.”
At MECSPE Bari, the future is now. A number of special initiatives have been scheduled for November, including the core exhibition Intelligent Workshop, a special area designed to put People at the centre and enable their cooperation with machinery in the production process, through a continuous information exchange flow. Developed in collaboration with Cucchi-BLT, Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence, Softech, Crea 3D and Universal Robots, the Intelligent Workshop will provide visitors with hands-on experience of a mini intelligent production line, featuring a compact design, along with all kinds of inspiration and ideas for introduction to their own companies. The plant exemplifies a typical workshop, but with modern, practical and intuitive supervision support for the operator, available in real time using a smartphone or tablet. Thanks to an app, the plant “dialogues” and the entire system is smart connected to the net. Here, artificial intelligence, collaborative robotics, additive manufacturing and other innovative technologies which are increasingly characterising modern production systems, will support the activity of people, the most irreplaceable “intelligent” element and cornerstone of all workshops of the future.
“MECSPE, which for 18 editions has been held in Parma, provides a complete and updated overview of the best innovation solutions for the manufacturing world and will now come to Bari, bringing the same objectives directly to the region and surrounding areas. In this first edition we’ll present the Intelligent Workshop, a special initiative providing first-hand experience of the benefits of collaborative robotics and technological innovation in the factory of the future – comments Maruska Sabato, Project Manager of MECSPE Bari – At the trade fair there will be many examples of success which make made in Italy a model for imitation, and we’ll show young people employment perspectives which are developing thanks to digital transformation. Without a doubt there is still a lot of work to be done in the 4.0 area, however this is a growth path not only in economic and business terms, but also in social terms, and it would be a pity not to fully leverage it.”
Training and digital innovation at the service of companies is the leitmotif of all special initiatives and pavilions at MECSPE Bari, from different exhibition areas (machinery, automation, logistics, subcontracting of processing and services, 4.0 technologies, materials), to processing islands and squares of excellence, with demo areas and workshops including fields like 4.0 automotive, aerospace and mechatronics.
In particular the 4.0 Training Square organised by ITS A. Cuccovillo, Bari, will be entirely dedicated to new skills and young people. In this area, the Technical College, a virtuous model for the local area and beyond, not to mention a Trade Fair Partner, will bring its concrete experience of continuous dialogue between the world of high-specialisation training and businesses big and small, even including multinationals, involved in numerous training projects directly involving students. Workshops, practical demos and case histories of excellence will recount projects like “Deep Fields”, a prototype irrigation valve made with Bosch as part of the ITS4.0 programme funded by the Italian Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Ca’ Foscari University, or, at an international level, “HISTEK”, an Interreg project which aims to create an Advanced Vocational Training path for the service industry across Italy, Albania and Montenegro, with the involvement of Chambers of Commerce (therefore businesses too) and Education Ministries in all three countries.
SolidEngineering, a The3DGroup company will also be there, on all three days of the event it will organise the 5th edition of SolidShow, southern Italy’s most important event dedicated to 3D CAD, not to mention Solidworks of Dassault Systemes along with the most innovative Additive Manufacturing Technologies. All integrated solutions for the entire digital supply chain, from 3D CAD to 3D printers, 3D scanners, CAM, the Internet of Things, virtual reality and augmented reality will be recounted across a number of training modules, case studies, simulations and practical demos.
The trade fair will also be enriched by the presence of Associations from all over Italy, involved in the development of initiatives and themed areas, including Villaggio Ascomut (Italian Association of Machinery Technologies and Machine Tools), Villaggio AIdAM (Italian Association of Mechatronic Automation) andVillaggio Confartigianato. Attending partners include AIAD (Federation of Italian Companies for Aerospace, Defence and Security), AITeM (Italian Association of Manufacturing Technologies), Cdo Meccanica (a Compagnia delle Opere Association), CETMA (European Research Centre for Technologies, Design and Materials), CNA (National Confederation of Craft Trades and Small Firms), CNOSFAP (Centro Nazionale Opere Salesiane – Training and Professional development), UN.I.O.N. (Italian Union of Notified and Licensed Bodies Lastly, from Italy and abroad, there will be no shortage of international discussion with buyers and activities promoted, together with delegations from countries in Europe and beyond. including Albania, Algeria, Greece, Morocco, Poland, Russia, Turkey, Tunisia.
MECSPE PARMA 2019 in numbers
56,498 professionals, 2,306 companies, 135,000 sqm of exhibition areas, 2.000 sqm of Innovation Tunnel in collaboration with the Intelligent Factory Cluster, 67 special initiatives and conventions. Following on from the first edition of MECSPE Bari (Nuova Fiera del Levante, from 28th to 30th November 2019), the traditional event dedicated to the manufacturing industry and intelligent factories will return, just like in previous years, to Fiere di Parma (from 26th to 28th March 2020), with even more innovative contents and a new core exhibition just waiting to be discovered. As of 2021, MECSPE will pursue its international development by moving to the BolognaFiere exhibition centre.
MECSPE Exhibition Halls
Machineries and Tools – machine tools, tools and equipment; Digital Factory – information technology for the management of a smart factory; Motek Italy – factory automation; Power Drive – Systems – Components – Mechatronics; Control Italy – metrology and quality control; Logistics – systems for the management of logistics, machines and equipment; Mechanical Subcontracting – industrial manufacturing for third parties; Electronic Subcontracting design, electronic processing and components and accessories; Eurodies, subcontracting of plastics, rubber and composite – moulds and moulding; processing of rubber and composite plastics; Additive Manufacturing – rapid prototyping and 3D printing; Treatments and Finishes – machines and systems for surface treatment and finishing; Non-ferrous materials and alloys – aluminium, titanium, magnesium, light alloys.
The 2019/2020 event calendar of “MECSPE WORKSHOPS, The Italian way to the intelligent factory”
Senaf’s touring events, created with the aim of touching down on strategic territories, namely industrial districts currently engaged in the National 4.0 Industry Plan, have been scheduled as follows: on 27th May in Padua, 19th June in Ancona, 26th September in Bari, followed by Naples (November) and Florence (February 2020).
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