MECSPE, the leading event for industry 4.0 manufacturing, is getting ready for its first edition in Bari
MECSPE, the leading event for industry 4.0 manufacturing, is getting ready for its first edition in Bari at the Nuova Fiera del Levante from 28 to 30 November 2019, where the smart factory’s future will take centre stage.
An ever-evolving trade fair that aims at further consolidating its bond with the territory, accompanying enterprises and young people of Central-Southern Italy and the Mediterranean area to the new frontiers of digitisation
During the first quarter of 2019, Southern Italy’s exports recorded a higher growth (+6.3%) than the national average (+2.7%). This is what emerges from Intesa Sanpaolo’s Southern Italy District Monitoring, according to which, this growth in the international markets is driven by Apulia (+17.3%), whose exports benefited from double-digit growth in half of the districts of the area. These data confirm how Southern Italy, and Apulia in particular, is very much alive and moving energetically towards innovation. And now, MECSPE, Senaf’s leading event dedicated to the manufacturing industry and the smart factory, is getting ready for its first edition in Bari, from 28 to 30 November 2019 at Nuova Fiera del Levante. The event will provide an updated overview of the industrial system of the future in Central and Southern Italy and the Mediterranean area.
For the past 18 editions, MECSPE has been held at Fiere di Parma. Now, as of this year, it will double its commitment to the manufacturing industry 4.0 to demonstrate the crucial role of industry 4.0 technologies in the various fields of application and introduce the excellences in the various sectors in Central and Southern Italy. A new business and networking opportunity for the territory in a never-ending journey through innovation, which is shaping up inspired by the success in Parma, where, edition after edition, the event boasts record-breaking figures. All this is possible, thanks to its innovative content and well-established format, which is very popular with the public and allows industry operators to discuss the main market trends.
After the press conference organised in June with Confindustria Bari-BAT to present MECSPE Bari, MECSPE will return to Bari on the 26th of September with a new stage of the “MECSPE workshops, the Italian route to the smart factory”, the travelling event promoted by Senaf that has been showing the journey to Industry 4.0 across Italy’s strategic territories since 2017. The next workshop, which will be held at Nuova Fiera del Levante, will focus on the testimonials of entrepreneurs and opinion leaders and their experience with the transformation process currently underway in a talk on the competitive future of the Italian manufacturing industry. During the event, there will also be a preview of the data of the MECSPE Observatory on Apulia’s SMEs, which will be fully disclosed subsequently during the inaugural day of MECSPE BARI, and will provide an overview of SMEs focusing on the economics and knowledge of innovative technologies.
“The current market is imposing new rules on the Italian industrial system and faster reaction time compared to the past. That’s why companies need to renew and bring themselves up-to-date to take on the new challenges of digitisation – said Maruska Sabato, Project Manager at MECSPE – In this part of Italy, many entrepreneurs are focusing on innovation to drive their growth and have embraced the changes of the fourth industrial revolution with enthusiasm and pragmatism. MECSPE Bari will give voice to the excellences of the various industrial compartments to support local enterprises in their discovery of enabling technologies, new production models, and competencies that ensure added value from an industry 4.0 perspective.”
Global connectivity, innovation, smart machines, and collaborative robotics are reshaping the factory of the future, as well as the work methods, competencies, production processes, and organisational spaces. The first edition of MECSPE Bari will focus on these key topics. The aim is to fill the gap between the competencies required by companies and those that are available. There will be many initiatives dedicated to education, an aspect that MECSPE has always focused on to help companies in their search for specialised personnel. Over the past few years, the Italian manufacturing industry has experienced a lack of specific professional figures, who can manage the ongoing transformation and master the new technologies.
The 4.0 Education Square will address this problem. It’s an area dedicated to youth and new competencies, where the Cuccovillo technical vocational school[1] of Bari and partner companies will tell about their collaboration and the opportunities for the territory. Visitors can thus view some of the successful projects resulting from this bond between education, industry, and innovation. The Cuccovillo technical vocational school – a benchmark at both regional and national level – is increasingly focusing on Industry 4.0, thereby combining two aspects that are crucial for Southern Italy, i.e. the need for the companies to hire highly specialised youth with solid smart factory competencies and a natural inclination to innovation on the one hand, and the need for young people to be trained using methods that enhance their ability to learn on the job, be creative and original, and always find new solutions on the other. This way, highly specialised training and enterprises (from the smallest to multinationals) interact seamlessly.
At MECSPE Bari, this special initiative will involve many youngsters who are acquiring the skills required by the market and will present the project they have participated in. Workshops, demos e case histories will focus on various projects, such as “Deep Fields”, a prototype for an irrigation valve created with Bosch within the ITS4.0 programme funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research in partnership with Ca’ Foscari University. There will also be room for international projects, such as “HISTEK”, an Interreg project that aims to create a new cross border cluster in the field of higher professional education between Italy, Albania and Montenegro, involving Chambers of Commerce (and, therefore, companies) and the Ministries of Education of the three countries.
There are many other special initiatives scheduled for the event in November, including Officina Intelligente (The Smart Workshop), the core of the first edition of MECSPE Bari, which will showcase a smart mini production and assembly line managed by advanced software with the use of next-generation collaborative robots. This initiative will give plenty of new ideas to visitors. An increasingly interconnected factory that needs to reorganise its spaces to make everything revolve around humans. The use of new technologies and artificial intelligence will allow for extremely flexible systems that can be quickly configured based on contingent and strategic needs.
[1] The Cuccovillo technical vocational school is a virtuous example of non-university high specialisation education. The school has been operating for many years in close collaboration with companies in the fields of mechanics, mechatronics, and domotics, which are considered strategic for economic growth and competitiveness. It’s the only technical vocational school in Southern Italy to have been acknowledged every year by the Italian Ministry of University and Research for the quality of its programmes, the number of graduates, and their entry in the labour market (ranked 2nd out of 113 technical vocational schools in 2018 and 5th out of 139 in 2019).
“We at the Cuccovillo school received the news of the arrival of MECSPE Bari as a fantastic opportunity for the territory, our youngsters, and the entrepreneurial and educational world in general – said Lucia Scattarelli, President of the Cuccovillo Foundation – Our participation in major trade fairs both as visitors and exhibitors in the past edition of MECSPE Parma has driven us to take an active role at MECSPE thanks to the “4.0 Education Square”. This is where partner companies will interact with young people through the presentation of innovative projects that demonstrate the skills acquired thanks to specialised professional education. We have always been committed to implementing and disseminating new technologies, promoting innovation and sharing knowledge and experiences. That’s why we believe that many new ideas will emerge from this special initiative. The real challenge we are undertaking with MECSPE is to turn successful local case histories into dynamic and proactive elements of a synergistic network to support the growth of young people and the entrepreneurial fabric.”
MECSPE 2019 by the numbers
56,498 professional visitors, 2,306 companies attending, 135,000 m2 of exhibition space, 2,000 m2 of Innovation Tunnel in cooperation with Cluster Fabbrica Intelligente, 67 special initiatives and conventions.
After the first edition of MECSPE Bari (Nuova Fiera del Levante, from 28 to 30 November 2019), the traditional event focused on manufacturing industry and smart factory will be back as usual in Fiere di Parma (from 26 to 28 March 2020), with even more innovative contents and a new focus.
Starting from 2021, MECSPE will add a more international touch by moving to BolognaFiere.
Machineries and Tools – machine tools, tools and equipment; Digital Factory – information technology for the management of a smart factory; Motek Italy – factory automation; Power Drive – Systems – Components – Mechatronics; Control Italy – metrology and quality control; Logistics – systems for the management of logistics, machines and equipment; Mechanical Subcontracting – outsourced industrial manufacturing; Electronic Subcontracting – design, electronic processing, components and accessories; Eurodies, subcontracting of plastics, rubber and composite – moulds and moulding; processing of rubber and composite plastics; Additive Manufacturing – rapid prototyping and 3D printing; Treatments and Finishes – machines and systems for surface treatment and finishing; Non-ferrous materials and alloys – aluminium, titanium, magnesium, light alloys.
“MECSPE workshops, the Italian route to the smart factory” 2019/2020 schedule
The touring events continue for Senaf with the aim of travelling across the strategic areas of industrial districts that are in the process of joining the Industry 4.0 national plan. The next events will take place on the 27 May in Padua, 19 June in Ancona, 26 September in Bari and then Napoli (November) and Florence (February 2020).
For further information
MY PR – www.mypr.it
Paola Gianderico – Annalisa Di Gilio
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Press release